2 Commentaires

Thanks for this. Interesting read as it is pretty much the same thing at all WHM events. The cult vibes have gotten stronger with each successive year. The real problem though is how people are actually dying because of Wim's teachings. At your retreat do you remember if Wim every taught people to hyperventilate in water--he might have called it "Brown Fat Activation". He might have also run a baptism circle where everyone hyperventilated and submerged together. While he has warnings, it shocks me consistently that he so frequently ignores them. I did a post about it this week. https://sgcarney.substack.com/p/the-tragic-story-of-nova-and-wim

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No breathing in the water. Bart was our « instructor », he was kinda chill as I am sure you know him and I remember Bart recommending not doing breathing in the water.

What stroke me was the absence of management of one guy with severe mental illness and the risks with cold exposure / plunges in overweight 50+ yo American men.

Also as an anesthesiologist « tinkering » with peoples’ ventilation and acid blood gases everyday, I bet there are some people in whom this profound respiratory alkalosis does no good. We have no quick buffer for acute alcalosis.

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